Sunday, March 23, 2008

the good life

Below is a picture of our basement. Well, part of our basement. The main room is essentially an indoor hockey rink, a beer pong table, a party couch, and a washer and dryer.  The back room however, pictured below, is worth a few thousands of dollars, apparently.  This masterpiece-worthy beauty of a cluster fuck resulted from the residential bikes (Mike, Kylie and Lexy's 3-5 bikes each) plus the Flawda boys' traveling arsenal of rides. All crammed into this little space, providing a nice geometric challenge and one awesome picture, courtesy of Mikey.
In a week-long shopping spree, our friend Dan wound up with two more bikes, making his total somewhere around 3800. Pictured above are a few of his bikes that he brought up with him from Florida.

Party caravan makes it way to the Panhandle of Paradise. Or makes it back up to the sliver of a state that is NC. Who knows? Gas stations all look the same, and I can't tell which direction the car is pointing.  

1 comment:

DA Max said...

Best looking basement I've seen all year. You guys have a one track mind and I love how you are totally into bikes. I have a barn full of antique tractors, but I can see Lexy rolling his eyeballs now if I threaten to show them to you.

Where the hell is Spring? You guys got it? It's nowhere to be seen here in dreary Ohio.

Ride 'em if you've got 'em,
DA Max Sr