Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Evolving Door of 17 Nebraska

Today our new housemate, Sarah, arrived. She is awesome. Lexy, Conor (who has recently replaced Phil and our new Kimmy Gibler apparently...), Sarah and I told stories on the porch until we all made our individual excuses for going inside (bedtime, unpacking, Harry Potter reading, the need to Blog, etc.)

Like Mike "Who?!" Viertel, I also have my own blog now. In that context, I call it my blahg. It is mainly about bicycles, but also some other embarassing stuff thrown in:

Lexy accidentally broke himself. That, or he was just trying to be like Geoffrey Fryer. Either way, I hope he heals well.

The lettuce in our garden looks beautiful, but everything else either looks sad or is non-existant. Oh well, there's always Ingles.

That's all for now.