Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Homestead: An Introduction

Although considered nerdy by some, Blogs are an important medium through which to display news, opinions, and random bits of day-to-day adventures. Hence this stupid little website: a place where the four residents of 17 Nebraska can write about the happenings within, outside of, and in the general area surrounding the homestead. That, and perhaps serve as a place where passive-aggressive rants will occur and personal secrets will be exposed. Uh-oh.

The cast consists of:
Mike, Lexy, Kylie, and Lateef -- four names that, if you will notice, form a nice sequential list of letters in the middle of the alphabet: K, L, and M. This goes to show that this group was meant to be together. That's all.

Thus far, several dinner parties, some more traditional 20-somethings-style parties (i.e. beer, loud music, and babes), and even a few quiet evenings have taken place, serving to break in this little house. Last night for instance, several friends from the somewhat nearby Warren Wilson College stopped by to make Southern homestyle cooking, followed by a desperate attempt to learn the Soulja Boy dance, and Lexy and Kylie cleaning up afterwards, saying to eachother that tomorrow night is going to be sad because Mike will be out of town for a race, again. Their separation anxiety was acutely noticed just then, not to mention the tightness (or perhaps neediness? We hope not...) that has already formed amongst the crew.

Currently, the Kimmy Gibler of the house, Phil, is over, while Kylie and Lexy are singing some Avett Brother lyrics to eachother, having had these songs stuck in their heads for the past week. They're just so f-ing good, they'll have you know. That and the two are hopeless romantics at heart, each thinking of their respective dreamboats of the moment as they croon out sappy-ass love songs with a bluegrass tinge.

Anyway, this particular day was spent, as per usual, with the riding of bikes by half the house members. The local riding paradise was covered with either a snow/ice or mud/water mix, depending on what side of the mountain that section of trail was on--which Kylie and Phil enjoyed thoroughly amongst the company of a scattering of kick-ass 50 year olds whose riding abilities demand respect, whose bikes display their access to steady, substantial incomes (unlike the two recent college grads), and whose sense of humor resembles any boy under the age of 18...creating an enjoyable presence and a tendancy toward epic rides.

While the three (Lexy, Kylie, and Phil) sit around drinking their 47th cup of hot chocolate and wash it down with a slice or three of Lexy's homemade bread, they mourn the absence of Mike for this weekend, wonder where the heck Lateef went, and wait to figure out the hell they should get into this evening. Maybe we'll tell you what happened later.

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